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Know the gap. Help close the gap

Benefits are important to your business

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More than 80% of employers believe supplemental benefi ts help with employee recruitment and retention.

Health insurance won’t cover everything, leaving employees with coverage gaps

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Half of all employees would not be able to cover $1,000 in out-of-pocket costs if an unexpected medical event occurred today.

56% of millennial and 63% of Gen Z employees have high anxiety about health care costs beyond what their insurance covers.

Employees need – and want – additional coverage to help protect their finances

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9 out of 10 see a growing need for supplemental insurance plans that pay cash benefits to them, helping with expenses health insurance doesn’t cover.

52% of all employees would be likely to purchase supplemental insurance to cover a disease that runs in their families.

Good news, Aflac can help without increasing your businesses’ benefits costs

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Even though 75% of employers are experiencing an increase in benefits costs, Aflac supplemental insurance plans come at little to no cost to your business to help protect your workforce.

Here’s how it works

Employees can choose the Aflac plans that help meet their unique needs, while selecting either individual or family coverage. Many plans even include health screening benefi ts that encourage employees to receive routine preventative exams.

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Contact your Aflac sales representative today to learn how we can help close your employees’ coverage gaps.

Offer Aflac to your employees.

Companies choose to make Aflac policies available to increase benefits options without impacting their bottom line.