If you have any type of insurance plan, you may have noticed that there may be gaps not covered by your primary insurance provider. That’s where supplemental health insurance comes in. Aflac is a leader in supplemental health insurance companies and offers term and whole life plans too. We complement major medical and help provide support in the areas you need it most. Read on to learn what supplemental health insurance is and the different types of plans available.
Table of Contents
Supplemental health insurance gets its name from its role in supplementing traditional insurance plans. It can complement the specific category you need more support in, and can provide an additional layer of financial protection. Aflac can help with things major medical may not cover.
Supplemental insurance can complement a variety of health insurance plans by providing specific coverage for accident, cancer, critical illness, hospital, short-term disability, dental, and vision. We can help provide support in one or multiple of these areas. Many of our policyholders consider more than one type of supplemental health insurance plan:
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Help cover yourself and your family with coverage from Aflac.
Get StartedIf you find yourself wondering why you need supplemental health insurance, you’re already thinking about the future. The unexpected can happen and it’s always helpful to be prepared. Having some type of supplemental health insurance can help provide the support you need when unplanned expenses emerge.
Certain types of supplemental medical insurance may be helpful if you or someone in your family has a large procedure or treatment coming up. For example, if you know your child will need braces or some type of orthodontic care, supplemental dental insurance can help cover gaps missed by your primary dental plan.
Supplemental health insurance also may be helpful if your medical history indicates you are at risk of getting cancer or having a life-threatening health condition. If you have access to this information, it may be helpful to factor it into your long-term planning.
We have plans that fit most budgest and can find a plan that meets your needs. Choosing one or more of these plans can help provide a full circle of protection.
Feel confident in your coverage by working with Aflac, one of the leading supplemental health insurance companies in the industry. We recommend chatting with an agent and getting a supplemental health insurance quote for a more detailed look at which plans can benefit you.
Get StartedMedicare, Medicaid, and private health insurance each come with pros and cons. Learn the differences between them to choose the right plan for your needs.
Comparing health insurance can help you choose the right plan and rates for you. Learn how health insurance works and how to compare insurance plans and rates.
Term & Whole Life
Life (A68000 Series) - In Arkansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, & Virginia, Policies: ICC1368100, ICC1368200, ICC1368300, ICC1368400. In Delaware, Policies A68100-A68400. In New York, NY68100-NY68400. Term and Whole Life (B60000 Series) - In Arkansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, & Virginia, Policies: ICC18B60C10, ICC18B60100, ICC18B60200, ICC18B60300, & ICC18B60400. Group Whole Life (Q60000 Series) - In Arkansas, Delaware & Oregon, Policy Q60100M. In Idaho Policy Q60100MID. In Oklahoma, Policy Q60100MOK. In Texas, Policy Q60100MTX. Group Term Life (Q60000 Series) - In Delaware, Policies Q60200M. In Arkansas, Idaho, Oklahoma, Oregon & Texas, Policies ICC18Q60200M, ICC18Q60300C, ICC18Q60400C.
In Arkansas, Policy A37000AR. In Delaware, Policies A371AA & A371BA. In Idaho, Policy A37000ID. In New York, Policy NY37000. In Oklahoma, Policy A37000OK. In Oregon, Policy A37000OR. In Pennsylvania, Policy A37000PA. In Texas, Policy A37000TX. In Virginia, Policies A371AAVA & A371BAVA.
In Arkansas, Policies B70100AR, B70200AR, B70300AR, B7010EPAR, B7020EPAR. In Delaware, Policies B70100DE, B70200DE & B70300DE. In Idaho, Policies B70100ID, B70200ID, B70300ID, B7010EPID, B7020EPID. In Oklahoma, Policies B70100OK, B70200OK, B70300OK, B7010EPOK, B7020EPOK. In Oregon, Policies B70100OR, B70200OR, B70300OR, B7010EPOR, B7020EPOR. In Pennsylvania, Policies B70100PA, B70200PA, B70300PA. In Texas, Policies B70100TX, B70200TX, B70300TX, B7010EPTX, B7020EPTX.
Critical Illness
In Arkansas, Policies B71100AR & B7110HAR. In Delaware, Policies B71100, B71200, B7130H & B7140H. In Oklahoma, Policies B71100OK & B7110HOK. In Oregon, Policies B71100OR & B7110HOR. In Pennsylvania, Policies B71100PA & B7110HPA. In Texas, Policies B71100TX & B7110HTX.
In Arkansas, Policies B40100AR & B401HAR. In Delaware, Policies B40100DE & B4010HDE. In Idaho, Policies B40100ID & B4010HID. In New York, Policies NYB40100 & NYB4010H. In Oklahoma, Policies B40100OK & B4010HOK. In Oregon, Policies B40100OR & B4010HOR. In Pennsylvania, Policies B40100PA & B4010HPA. In Texas, Policies B40100TX& B4010HTX. In Virginia, Policies B40100VA & B4010HVA.
Short-Term Disability
In Arkansas, Policies A57600AR & A57600LBAR. In Delaware, Policies A57600DE & A57600LB. In Idaho, Policy A57600IDR. In New York, Policy NY57600. In Oklahoma, Policies A57600OK & A57600LBOK. In Oregon, Policies A57600OR & A57600LBOR. In Pennsylvania, Policies A57600PA & A57600LBPA. In Texas, Policies A57600TX & A57600LBTX. In Virginia, Policies A57600VA & A57600LBVA.
In Arkansas, Policies A82100RAR–A82400RAR. In Delaware, Policies A82100R–A82400R. In Idaho, Policies A82100RID–A82400RID. In New York, Policies NY82100–NY82400. In Oklahoma, Policies A82100ROK–A82400ROK. In Oregon, Policies A82100ROR–A82400ROR. In Pennsylvania, Policies A82100RPA–A82400RPAR. In Texas, Policies A82100RTX–A82400RTX. In Virginia, Policies A82100RVA–A82400RVA.
In Arkansas, Policy VSN100AR. In Delaware, Policy VSN100. In Idaho, Policy VSN100ID. In New York, Policy NYVSN100. In Oklahoma, Policy VSN100OKR. In Oregon, Policy VSN100OR. In Pennsylvania, Policy VSN100PA. In Texas, Policy VSN100TX. In Virginia, Policy VSN100VA.
Content within this article is provided for general informational purposes and is not provided as tax, legal, health, or financial advice for any person or for any specific situation. Employers, employees, and other individuals should contact their own advisers about their situations. For complete details, including availability and costs of Aflac insurance, please contact your local Aflac agent.
This is a brief product overview only. Coverage may not be available in all states, including but not limited to ID, NJ, NM, NY, or VA. Benefits/premium rates may vary based on plan selected. Optional riders may be available at an additional cost. Plans and riders may also contain a waiting period. Refer to the exact plans and riders for benefit details, definitions, limitations and exclusions. For availability and costs, please contact your local Aflac agent/producer.
Coverage is underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus. In New York, coverage is underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of New York.
Aflac | WWHQ | 1932 Wynnton Road | Columbus, GA 31999
Aflac New York | 22 Corporate Woods Boulevard, Suite 2 | Albany, NY 12211
EXP 2/26