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Dental coverage pays off in more than smiles

Here’s something your clients and their employees can likely agree on: Dental coverage is an important part of any benefits plan. In fact, dental insurance is the most elected supplemental benefit by employees.1 And while dental care is primarily about healthy teeth, it’s also about a healthy mind and body – and a healthier bank account.

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More than 1 in 4 adults in the U.S. have untreated tooth decay.2

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40% of adults without dental insurance reported cost is the reason they haven’t visited the dentist in two years, compared to 14% of adults with dental insurance.3

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1 in 4 people without dental insurance reported their overall health has gotten worse in the past year compared to those with dental insurance.3

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There is a clear connection between a person’s dental health and their mental health.4

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Poor oral health is connected to cardiovascular disease, diabetes, pneumonia, dementia, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis.5

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Poor oral health during pregnancy can lead to poor health outcomes for mother and baby.6

Help clients provide their employees with the dental care they want and need. Contact your Aflac representative about dental coverage today.