Most children can easily stay on their parent’s health insurance plans until they reach a certain age, but they will eventually have to find insurance coverage independently. Children on their parent's plans are considered dependents – and rely on another person for coverage. Knowing the age restrictions for dependents on each insurance plan and exploring how to get new health insurance can help make the transition easier.
Aflac does not offer traditional health insurance, but instead offers supplemental health insurance to complement existing plans and help pay for out-of-pocket expenses. However, the age limit applies to most supplemental insurance plans too. Understanding these guidelines can help parents and children get coverage support when they need it most.
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Most states allow children to stay on their parent’s health insurance until the age of 26.1 However, this is only possible if the parent’s insurance plan allows coverage for dependent children, which may not always be the case.1 There are some unique circumstances where this age limit can be extended, depending on the state you live in.
Children with disabilities can stay on their parent’s health insurance indefinitely in some states.1 Additionally, in most cases, children under the age of 26 can remain on their parent’s plan regardless of whether they are married.
This deadline can be extended in some states until the age of 30 depending on the children’s marital status, whether they are a veteran, their disability status or whether they have children.1 Elderly parents may also be able to be covered on their children’s health insurance plans.1 This widely varies from state to state, so we recommend you research the specific laws where you live.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Help cover yourself and your family with coverage from Aflac.
Get StartedIf you turn 26 and do not qualify to stay on your parent’s health insurance plan, it’s crucial to know how to get your own insurance coverage. Luckily, when you get off your parents’ insurance, there are other options available:
If you turn 26 within the coverage year, you may want to have a backup insurance plan mapped out. When you do turn 26, you’ll no longer qualify for your parent’s insurance coverage and need to have a new plan ready. Let’s visit a visualization to see how this pans out.
Alex is currently 25 years old, and he turns 26 on April 15th, 2023. His father’s open enrollment begins on June 1st, 2022, so he can still sign up under his parent’s coverage. The following coverage year starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st, 2023. This means he will be able to stay on his dad’s plan for the first four months of the coverage cycle, but he will no longer qualify after April 15th, 2023.
For context, you can only sign up for an insurance plan during a specific time of the year, otherwise known as open enrollment, unless you fall under a qualifying event.2 Luckily, no longer qualifying for a parent‘s insurance plan is considered a qualifying event and Alex can sign up for new insurance coverage outside of the typical open enrollment period.2
Yes, you can typically have your own health insurance policy while still being covered under your parent's insurance. This is known as dual coverage. However, it's essential to review the details of both policies carefully to ensure there are no conflicts or limitations, as well as to understand how the coordination of benefits works. In some cases, having multiple insurance policies can provide added coverage and flexibility for healthcare expenses. Consulting with both insurance providers can help clarify any questions or concerns you may have regarding dual coverage.
Choosing the right health insurance plan as a young adult can seem daunting, but these tips can help simplify the process:
Once you exceed the age a child can remain on a parent’s health insurance plan, you have access to many health and supplemental insurance options. If you have a primary health insurance plan in place, you can utilize our supplemental plan to get more coverage.
Sometimes, significant expenses are expected to be paid out-of-pocket within primary health insurance plans. Aflac offers supplemental support and pays you cash benefits for various categories to help minimize financial stressors. Some of the categories we provide support for are cancer, critical illness, accident insurance, hospital and short-term disability.
We understand how stressful it can be to lose insurance coverage or not get the coverage you need. That’s why Aflac is here. Chat with an agent to better understand your supplemental health insurance options.
Get StartedChild life insurance can guarantee coverage for them and can offer a cash value benefit later on. Learn what child life insurance is and the pros and cons.
Looking for student health insurance? Learn how health insurance for college students works and the types of student health insurance plans available.
1 The Balance - How Long Can You Stay on Your Parent’s Health Insurance. Updated September 27, 2022. Accessed February 19, 2024.
2 Forbes Advisor - When Is Open Enrollment For Health Insurance? Updated October 19, 2023.
Coverage is underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus. In New York, coverage is underwritten by American Family Life Assurance Company of New York. Cancer/Specified-Disease: In Delaware, Policies B70100DE, B70200DE & B70300DE. Policy A72200. In Idaho, Policies B70100ID, B70200ID, B70300ID, B7010EPID, B7020EPID. Policy A72200ID. In Oklahoma, Policies B70100OK, B70200OK, B70300OK, B7010EPOK, B7020EPOK. Policy A72200OK. In Virginia, policies A75100VA–A75300VA. Accident: In Delaware, Policies A36100DE—A36400DE, & A363OFDE. Policy A371AA & A371BA. In Idaho, Policies A36100ID–A36400ID, & A363OFID. Policy A37000ID. In Oklahoma, Policies A36100OK– A36400OK, & A363OFOK. Policy A37000OK. In Virginia, Policies A36100VA – A36400VA, & A363OFVA. Policies A371AAVA & A371BAVA. Hospital: In Idaho, Policies B40100ID & B4010HID. In Virginia, Policies B40100VA & B4010HVA. Critical Illness: In Delaware, Policies A74100DE, A74200DE, A74300DE. Policies B71100, B71200, B7130H & B7140H. Policies A71100DE & A71200DE. In Idaho, Policies A74100ID, A74200ID, A74300ID. In Oklahoma, Policies A74100OK, A74200OK, A74300OK. Policies A73100OK & A7310HOK. Policies B71100OK & B7110HOK. Policies A71100OK & A71200OK. In Virginia, Policies A74100VA, A74200VA, A74300VA. Policy A73100VA. Policies A71100VA & A71200VA. Short-term disability: In Delaware, Policies A57600DE & A57600LB. In Idaho, Policy A57600IDR. In Oklahoma, Policies A57600OK & A57600LBOK. In Virginia, Policies A57600VA & A57600LBVA.
Coverage underwritten by Tier One Insurance Company, a subsidiary of Aflac Incorporated and is administered by Aetna Life Insurance Company. Tier One Insurance Company is part of the Aflac family of insurers. In California, Tier One Insurance Company does business as Tier One Life Insurance Company (Tier One NAIC 92908). Accident: In Delaware, Policy T37000. In Idaho, Policies T37100IDR, T37200IDR, & T37300IDR. In Oklahoma, Policy T37000OK. Cancer/Specified-Disease: In Delaware, Policy T70000. In Idaho, Policy T70000ID. In Oklahoma, Policy T70000OK. In Virginia, policies T70000VA & T70000GVA. Critical Illness: In Delaware, Policy T71000. In Oklahoma, Policy T71000OK. In Virginia, Policy T71100VA.
This is a brief product overview only. Coverage may not be available in all states including but not limited to Delaware, Idaho, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York or Virginia. Benefits/premium rates may vary based on plan selected. Optional riders are available at an additional cost. The policies have limitations and exclusions that may affect benefits payable. Refer to the exact policy for complete details, limitations, and exclusions. For costs and complete details of the coverage, please contact your local Aflac agent. Content within this article is provided for general informational purposes and is not provided as tax, legal, health, or financial advice for any person or for any specific situation. Employers, employees, and other individuals should contact their own advisers about their situations. For complete details, including availability and costs of Aflac insurance, please contact your local Aflac agent.
Aflac WWHQ | Tier One Insurance Company | 1932 Wynnton Road | Columbus, GA 31999
NY | 22 Corporate Woods Boulevard, Suite 2 | Albany, NY 12211
EXP 3/25